Shaping Futures Together

Eastford Elementary School Mission Statement 

We pledge to provide every one of Eastford’s children entrusted to our care with the very best education to meet individual needs, to maintain a nurturing and caring environment, and to ensure for each child the necessary preparation for a productive and fulfilling life in our changing world.

2023-2024 Board of Education Goals

Student Achievement

  • Monitor the quantitative and qualitative data provided by school administration relative to long-term planning goals as outlined in the Strategic Plan for the academic, social, and emotional growth of students at Eastford Elementary School with respect to national, state, and local assessments.
  • Advocate for a budget that is responsive to the programmatic needs of all students, and the professional growth needs of district staff.

Climate and Culture

  • Support the efforts of the administration as they work to protect and insure the well-being of staff and students through the provision of a safe and productive learning environment.
  • Advocate for a budget that is responsive to the needed facility and maintenance updates in accordance with a long-term facilities plan.

Collaboration and Communication

  • Collaborate and support the administration’s efforts in the implementation of all components the Eastford School District’s Strategic Plan with a focus on expanding partnerships with all families and community partners.
  • Continue to explore ways to achieve greater efficiency as a school district by cooperating with the community and other districts for shared services and staff as well as cooperative programs and purchases.

2023-2024 Superintendent Goals

Student Achievement

  • Provide leadership and supports to the administrative team and school staff in the selection and implementation of curriculum programs and instructional practices that support the academic, social, and emotional well-being of all our students in measurable ways.
  • Together with the administrative team, based on an analysis of qualitative and quantitative results, prioritize, and advise the Board of Education of the needed staffing, staffing supports, and quality instructional resources that support the implementation of engaging, challenging curriculum, that supports students in becoming leaders of their own learning in accordance with the Strategic Plan and the Eastford’s Portrait of a Learner.

Climate and Culture

  • Apprise the BOE on an ongoing basis of the needed long-term facility, maintenance, and security projects that provide for a safe and secure environment for staff and students.

Collaboration and Communication

  • Continue to provide leadership, support and resources needed to support and expand the family and community partnerships associated with the outcomes of our Strategic Plan.
  • Advise the Board of Education as to opportunities for shared services and programs.

2023-2024 Principal Goals

Student Achievement

  • Support the implementation of engaging, challenging curriculum, aligned to the Eastford Portrait of a Learner, that supports students in becoming leaders of their own learning.
    • Develop and implement strategies and research-based methods to improve student engagement, motivation, and achievement.
    • Support staff in developing student-friendly Learning Targets for core curricular areas that support student goal setting, self-reflection, and self-asses
    • Support development of a progression of grade level expectations for the skills in Eastford’s Portrait of a Learner and support development of rubrics to assess student attainment of skills in Eastford’s Portrait of a Learner.
    • Develop and implement curriculum and pacing guides for ELA and begin to document and develop pacing guides for Math, at each grade level that include prioritized standards, units, and assessments. (Grades K-8)

Climate and Culture

  • Foster a nurturing and caring environment for students and staff, building the skills and knowledge needed for social-emotional growth.
    • Utilize, integrate, and implement common SEL instructional practices across grade levels (including class meetings, proactive and responsive circles, restorative conferences to include questioning, fair process, and use of affective statements) and monitor fidelity of implementation.
    • In alignment with current legislation and CSDE initiatives, support staff in understanding SEL importance, including the components, strategies, and impact on learning, through professional learning opportunities and learning walks.
    • Conduct, analyze, and use school climate survey results to set school improvement goals and track progress.

Communication and Partnerships

  • Develop and maintain supportive and engaging relationships with families and community partners that enhance student learning.
    • Encourage and support strategies for family and community communication related to Eastford’s Portrait of a Learner and how it is being implemented with students.

Seek opportunities to engage all families in the school community in a positive way.


2023-2024 Director of Pupil Services Goals

Student Achievement 

  • Given the implementation of  CT SEDS on July 1, 2022 all teachers will gain access to special education and 504’s, the following are required:
    • Professional development as provided by CSDE for teachers, service providers, secretarial/clerical, and administrative staff.
    • Release time/substitutes to accomplish the above.
  • Throughout the school year, the Director will interface with the Multi-Tiered System of Supports team to assist with the early-intervening services and Child Find processes, including Gifted/Talented.

Climate and Culture

  • Maintain and develop systems and documentation that support correct practices, particularly with the change in software platform to CT SEDS and during staffing changes.
  • Facilitate biweekly meetings with staff and ongoing reference materials.
  • Improve the visibility of the role of the Director by:
    • Professional Development of paraprofessionals and staff
    • Addressing staff at staff meetings for updates and goals
    • Maintain responsible budgeting to adequately provide for students’ needs both at EES and at other sites.
    • Apply for grant funding as applicable.
    • Monitor staffing requirements, including contracts for service providers.

Communication and Partnership

  • Maintain and increase availability of information to the community.
  • Increase information provided at Board of Education meetings and documents.
  • Provide information on the school website, with updates made as needed.
  • Increase frequency of direct communication with the general school community and targeted populations to include informational meetings.
  • Communicate through emails, phone calls, and letters to specific individuals about timely topics.
  • Hold informational sessions in person and/or via Zoom.
  • Assure availability of information regarding identification, eligibility, and processes, particularly as the format of the IEP changes per CT SEDS.  Examples will include newsletter contributions, flyers, and outreach to area agencies/organizations.