Stephen Bowen (Chairman) 

Terry Cote (Vice Chair)

Adam Minor (Secretary)

Lauren Barlow

Michael Bilica

Robert Ellsworth

Jessica Perry 

BOE Committees and Members

Adam Minor (Chair)
Lauren Barlow
Michael Bilica
Terry Cote
Long Range Facilities
Rob Ellsworth (Chair)
Steve Bowen
Lauren Barlow (Chair)
Jessica Perry
Scholarship Steering
Terry Cote (Chair)
Lauren Barlow
Jessica Perry
School Safety
Terry Cote (Chair)
Michael Bilica
Jessica Perry
Steve Bowen (Chair)
Adam Minor
Woodstock Academy
Rob Ellsworth

2023-2024 Board of Education Goals

Student Achievement

  • Monitor the quantitative and qualitative data provided by school administration relative to long-term planning goals as outlined in the Strategic Plan for the academic, social, and emotional growth of students at Eastford Elementary School with respect to national, state, and local assessments.
  • Advocate for a budget that is responsive to the programmatic needs of all students, and the professional growth needs of district staff.

Climate and Culture

  • Support the efforts of the administration as they work to protect and insure the well-being of staff and students through the provision of a safe and productive learning environment.
  • Advocate for a budget that is responsive to the needed facility and maintenance updates in accordance with a long-term facilities plan.

Collaboration and Communication

  • Collaborate and support the administration’s efforts in the implementation of all components the Eastford School District’s Strategic Plan with a focus on expanding partnerships with all families and community partners.
  • Continue to explore ways to achieve greater efficiency as a school district by cooperating with the community and other districts for shared services and staff as well as cooperative programs and purchases.